Business expansion: what to evaluate before making this decision
Entrepreneurship in Brazil: challenges and opportunities
The Brazilian market for venture capital emerged quite recently. Nevertheless, Brazil is already the largest venture capital market in Latin America.
What you can expect from the venture capital market in Brazil
The Brazilian market for venture capital emerged quite recently. Nevertheless, Brazil is already the largest venture capital market in Latin America.
Investments in Brazilian agrotech businesses are just at the beginning
Experts are observing the emergence of a new market: Agricultural technology. Especially in Brazil, the number of agrotech businesses is growing constantly.
What Brazilian companies must know about the LGPD
The LGPD aims to regulate the processing of personal data. However, the political actions regarding the new data protection act caused some confusion.
Why Brazilians are getting increasingly enthusiastic about mobile payments
Especially younger consumers are likely to adopt new mobile payment methods. They value the ease of use and the possibility to transfer money immediately.
How the Brazilian e-commerce market profits from the pandemic
The e-commerce market in Brazil is continuously growing. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, e-commerce sales lately marked an all-time high, especially in April.
Why online advertising is thriving in Brazil
The Brazilian population is getting more and more connected to the internet. Certainly, this has a significant impact on the online advertising market.
What you should know about the promising Brazilian EdTech market
The Covid-19 pandemic has served as a catalyst for the Brazilian EdTech sector. The solutions are likely to stay and change the way of teaching and learning for the long term.